lead active lives. wear many hats.
maybe it even feels like we inhabit multiple, disconnected bodies. we shove these bodies in and out of clothes, chairs, cars, across towns to perform for us at schools, offices, gyms, home. sometimes we forget to look up and see what is before us, within us, surrounding us.
…pause. exhale. listen. there is more space for awareness, direction, connectivity, and clearer choices…
we are here to invite you, entice you, back to the inner knowing and artistry within our bodies. to recognize our bodies as creative intelligence in motion.
we are OBI. one body, integrated.
OBI is the unification of my work as a movement educator, somatic thinker, alexander technique teacher, dance maker, community gatherer, and mom. it is where i gather other voices that need to be heard.
most importantly, it is a springboard for future conversations, project-building, and opportunities to bring our communities and families together.
this site is ever evolving, so swim through and return again.
Photo credit: heathergrayphotography.com